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Ad Sizes, Rates and Deadlines
Ad Sizes & Rates
Precios / Medidas
File Requirements.
If you're a Graphic Designer. Please send a PDF or JPEG of your file. You know the deal, Color must be CMYK, 300 dpi minimum. If it's a Black & White Ad please convert to Grayscale. (Please see the dimensions above, although you probably will send great ads we would hate to tell you it's the wrong size - you have no idea how many times it has happened)
If you're NOT a Graphic Designer: A Word Document, a PDF made from a Word Document, a Publisher Document, an Ad that you used in a different paper is NOT considered Camera Ready Ad. We CAN NOT use it, we can work around your idea. Best thing to do is talk to our Production Dept. and they can create an ad for you based on what you have in mind.
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