Latinos Unidos de NJ
The Latino Voice in Central, Monmouth, Ocean and Middlesex Counties
As we all know the Latino population is now the largest minority group in the United States. As a result, Latinos are rapidly immersing themselves into the economy; their purchase power is growing, as is their need to be better informed about their local communities.
With this need in mind Latinos Unidos de Nueva Jersey was created. We are a monthly Spanish newspaper, distributed in Monmouth, Middlesex, Ocean & Mercer counties.
Our publisher has been in the newspaper business for many years and he has strong local and statewide relationships. Our newspaper is a community oriented newspaper that profiles local news and businesses, community events and articles of national interest for the Latino community.
Our readership is not only by Spanish speaking readers, but also by English speaking readers –including 45 local schools that use our paper as a learning tool.
We expect to continue growing, to better serve our community
and hope we can count on your support.
Don’t miss this opportunity to reach the rich Latino community of Central New Jersey.

Latinos Unidos de NJ
by the numbers
First Year of Publication